How to setup whitelist DNS ?
Add the AP Lens primary DNS and secondary DNS in your devices
Primary DNS
Secondary DNS
How to setup DNS in different devices
One step lockdown your network
Setup DNS tutorial in Chinese
Follow below setting to setup all devices to AP Lens DNS
Setup DNS tutorial in English
Follow below setting to setup all devices to AP Lens DNS
Window Computer
When you subscribe for internet access for home or business, the Internet Service Provider (ISP) also provides the necessary network settings...
Mac uses Domain Name System (DNS) to access websites on its browser. Many people are not aware of this fact and completely ignore Mac DNS server settings...
Android Phone
The steps on this page work for all Android phones, such as Samsung, OnePlus, ASUS, Nokia, Google, Sony, and other Android smartphones...
Just like in macOS, you can change the DNS servers on your iPhone. This can significantly speed up Safari and other iPhone apps that use the Internet...
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