Whitelisting Offers 100% Certainty
STOP CYBERATTACKS, REDUCE HUMAN RISKDomain whitelist is like a shield. Its job is to protect you from any type of web-based attacks. At any time. On any device.
Unvetted URLs are diverted to a sandbox running a remote browser.
Your web browsing experience becomes safe from malware, ransomware and phishing attempts.
Achieve all-round compliant cybersecurity for your small business.Stop phishing without detection error (i.e. false negative)!
360 Degree Protection
Protect users from every angle
De-risk Phishing Emails
Phishing emails are just baits, the real attack is on the website when you open the phishing link. AP Lens protects you by checking every single website address to stop scams and look-alike sites.
Stop Zero-Day and Ransomware
We stop network attacks by stopping malicious traffic at the beginning. Stop all outbound communication originated from zero-day attacks and ransomware.
Website Filtering
Increase productivity and office bandwidth by stopping leisure and entertainment websites. Works on any routers.
Why small businesses love AP Lens
Protective DNS Integrated with Remote Browser
Save time
IT support teams do not need to constantly update attack signatures or perform patching.
No more phishing
Employees do not need to learn and detect phishing attacks or to start using a new software. Simply keep using your favorite browser.
Anyone can start to create their whitelist. No need to be a cyber security expert.
Easy to use
Start a remote secure browser is as easy as counting 1-2-3. A few mins videos is sufficient to start.
What is Remote Browsing as a Service?
It is like hiring a stuntman/stuntwoman to look web linksWhen browsing the internet from AP Lens, your machine is completely segregated from the websites you are visiting,
and tracking cookies and website-based attacks cannot reach you.
AP Lens anonymises your online traffic, and even opens suspicious email links for you.
No software installation, configuration, maintenance or patching is required.
Whitepaper Download
How to protect small businesses from cyber attacks?
DNS based whitelisting is the anti-phishing, anti-ransomware solution for small businesses.CONTENT
Why is traditional cyber security failing small businesses
Walled garden concept
How to de-risk emails
Use cases
Name *Email *Company NameRobust infrastructure
Built on AWS cloud
Fully redundant
Bank-level security
SSO authentication